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MOWEA | Overview

MOWEA developed the world’s first modular wind turbine for everybody - small, efficient, scalable.
MOWEA Pitch Video
Pitch Video

The most important technical and economical challenge - with respect to worldwide exhausted resources - is the supply of environmental friendly and above all economical energy. Previous small wind turbines are rarely in operation commercially because of their poor efficiency and the high costs. MOWEA developed the world’s first modular wind turbine for everybody - small, efficient, scalable. The startup, sponsored by EXIST-Gründerstipendium is already generating revenue in 2018 with a renowned pilot customer.

MOWEA - Key Investment Facts


The most important technical and economic challenge in the near future is the supply of regenerative, environmentally friendly and above all economical energy.
MOWEA faces these challenges and enables wind energy usage for everybody.

Previous small wind turbines for private electricity production are rarely in operation commercially. This is mainly because of their poor efficiency and high purchase price.

The use of several identical small wind generators in an interconnected system makes MOWEA’s facilities highly efficient and flexible.
The decisive advantage here is the scalability of affordable, standardized components, which are designed for mass production.


MOWEA - Scalability and Modularity


MOWEA offers the ideal supplement to solar/ photovoltaic facilities for an independent energy supply of private households and industrial plants.
With our system, energy generated from the wind and sun can be injected into a common energy grid with very minor expenditure.

Alongside the high efficiency, the major advantages of our systems are their low purchase price and their low environmental impact (noise reduction and safeguards for birds).
MOWEA’s systems are also suitable for single-family houses, mobile radio masts, and rooftops in urban or industrial surroundings.

In 2016/17 we received a grant from the EXIST-Gründerstipendium (stipend for founders) for our initial idea.

We are generating initial sales in 2018 through a pilot project with an international telecommunications provider.

MOWEA offers core know-how in research and development of regenerative energy systems.
The founding team reflects the high-tech aspiration: Dr. Till Naumann is a graduate mechanical engineer and director; Mr. Amberger is a graduate engineer for electrical engineering, specialist for power units and electrical engineering and the technical director of the company.

In the long-term, we are aspiring toward internationalization and to the use of our technology in developing and emerging countries as well as in disaster areas.


Why equity crowdfunding?

With the financing, we will complete our technology as a close-to-production prototype and validate it in different pilot tests in order to secure Series-A-financing.

MOWEA’s entrepreneurial vision is to be the leading manufacturer of small wind turbines. 

MOWEA offers the world’s first modular wind turbine. This system enables you to produce your own clean electricity in addition to the already established photovoltaic (solar plants for electricity production).

Previous small wind turbines for private electricity production are rarely in operation commercially. This is mainly because of the poor efficiency and the high purchase price.

Through the manufacturing of new generations of modular wind turbines, the costs of this energy production will drop.


MOWEA - Product


In principle, facilities of any size can be produced at a reasonable price and combined through our modular system. Therefore, its economical operation is possible in many service areas. By combining MOWEA turbine systems with a photovoltaic facility and battery storage, one can reduce the costs of the whole system considerably. This ensures two independent energy sources, which reduces the required buffer.


MOWEA - Customer benefit

Sales are generated through the sale of MOWEA products, systems, and services. Depending on the customer segment, MOWEA sells directly to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers, wholesale partners, resellers and local representatives (B2B).

MOWEA is a hardware-producing company with core know-how in the research and development of regenerative energy systems. Initially, we will have the required components delivered to us and will take over the final assembly and quality controls in order to establish further production know-how.

We plan to relocate production abroad in the year 2020.  Therefore, we are establishing a partnership that adds the required know-how of cost-effective mass production (Eastern Europe, China or India). The development of core components (electronics, software, and construction) will take place in Germany.


MOWEA - Business Model


The use of generated data presents another source of income. Sensors incorporate local environmental and system data. This data is collected and evaluated (IoT: Internet of Things) in order to optimize the system (producer, storage, consumer) and to monitor the state. We ensure customer loyalty through additional services like web and mobile applications, data analysis, and energy optimization.


MOWEA - Earnings through digitalization

MOWEA’s main unique selling point is modularity. MOWEA provides a wind energy system consisting of highly efficient, identical, small wind generators (microturbines), which are interconnected to a modular system. We are the first provider of modular small wind turbines in the world.

The decisive advantage here is made up of the scalability of affordable, standardized components of wind energy facilities in mass production.

Our turbines distinguish themselves clearly from the small wind turbines of competitors:

High-tech aspirations, high efficiency, low costs of generated energy (€/kWh), the multitude of application areas, their flexibility, and the low environmental impact.

Modularity: Modularity enables you to individually and flexibly scale the wind turbines; the probability of failure also decreases.

Efficiency: The know-how of many years of university research is applied here and enables the highest efficiency; even in regions with little wind. 

Up to 10% more efficient than products found on the market (certificate Germanischer Lloyd). The turbines are “optimized for weak wind,” which enables its use in urban regions and regions far from the sea.

Application Areas: MOWEA’s systems are suitable for usage in single-family houses, on mobile radio masts, and in urban or industrial surroundings on rooftops.

Environment: The possibility of installing a protective net can prevent people and animals from getting into the rotor. This is not possible with any other wind turbine. MOWEA’s systems are acoustically optimized (Winglets) and have a patented solution against occurring natural vibrations.


MOWEA - Competitors Analysis


In March 2018, we submitted a patent application for a “modular wind turbine” to the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office).


MOWEA - Scalability and Modularity

MOWEA - Partners and Sponsors


MOWEA is already making initial sales through services like site surveys, local wind measurements, and energy consulting services for private customers. Since 2017, we have been involved in a pilot project with an international telecommunications provider.

A modular wind power system will be installed in September 2018 on a telecommunications mast to reduce the energy costs. We have also concluded partnerships in important areas of technological development (generator delivery, electronics development, and assembly) and have invested in research and development cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) and the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR).

The company AUCOTEAM has provided us with their flat-roof of the five-story office building in the heart of Berlin. Here, we installed the demonstrator of our modular wind turbine for rooftops.

Our partnership with the company MICRO ENERGY INTERNATIONAL, a specialist in the area of energy access in developing and emerging countries, enables us to develop important know-how for the international marketing of our products and to prepare the entrance into the market. 

Our target groups are very diverse. As a result, MOWEA is focused on the beginning phase of the most lucrative and quickly-attainable markets:  Private households (single-family houses) and applications on telecommunications masts in the DACH region and Europe.

In Germany alone, 87,743 new single-family houses were built in 2016. The guidelines regarding energy efficiency are becoming stricter and a trend regarding energy self-sufficient houses is clearly recognizable. Potential customers are people with environmental and social-ethical consumption (LOHAS); this group makes up almost 30% of the German population.

Telecommunications is a very fast-growing international industry. The radio masts needed for mobile telephones, depending on the technological equipment, have an energy requirement of up to 80kWh per day. Many of these radio masts are in countries in which there is no nationwide power grid or where power failures occur daily.

By 2020, approximately 1.2m off-grid / bad-grid telecommunications masts worldwide (not connected to the power grid / frequent power failures) will be operating with a cumulative yearly growth rate (2014-2020) of 3.1%.

In Germany alone, there are around 16,000 free-standing telecommunications masts.

In a future step, we are devoted to the international market, especially to countries in which there is no developed power grid. There are still over 1 billion people who do not have access to electricity.


MOWEA - Market size

In April 2018, we completed the demonstrator of a modular wind turbine for rooftop installation. The facility consists of three wind modules and already brings us new understanding. Here, we test the supply of energy in the home network as a next step.

We are currently working on completing central components (rotor blades, generators, and electronics) in order to integrate them into the planned pilot projects. A first close-to-production prototype will be ready for use at the beginning of July 2018. The pilot test focuses on applications that prove the fast scalability of the technology: Telecommunications and rooftop applications (e.g. productive trades or hotel chains). 

An important step is the continued development of the sales network and the sales partners. We plan to create initial contacts at different exhibitions in 2018. 

We are simultaneously revising our website. New content such as FAQ, Know-How, and Partners/ Sponsors will be published. 


MOWEA - Roadmap

Investment Level 1: Up to €100,000

With these funds, we will complete our technology as a close-to-production prototype and validate it in different pilot tests. The aim is to test our technology in different applications with customers, to eradicate “teething problems,” and to receive customer feedback before investing in the required production means.


Investment Level 2: Up to €350,000

(In addition to the measures from level 1)

In this validation phase, we will establish further technological know-how and expand our IP (intellectual property). A part of these funds will be invested in internationalizing the existing patent application. This is a necessary step in order to secure the subsequent Series-A-financing.

The MOWEA GmbH will hire additional staff using the equity crowdfunding means, including a full-time commercial employee and a project-specific student worker.  


Investment Level 3: Up to €500,000

(In addition to the measures from level 2)

Another part of the funds will be used to protect the required equity of the planned funding and will be consequently leveraged. We plan to apply for permits for the KMU-Instrument and ZIM in 2018.

Furthermore, we are planning the development of an app for smartphones and tablets since the demand for mobile applications in the energy management sector and as a smarthome application is increasing.

The calculation of the amortization period (period within which the invested capital is returned) is based on

  • a frequency distribution of wind velocity from Hamburg and
  • the performance curve of a MOWEA single turbine

to determine the annual energy yield. A turbine thus produces 420 kilowatt hours of energy [kWh/a] per year in Hamburg if it is installed at a height of 10m. The energy yield increases with increasing installation height.


Performance Curve


The following diagram shows the advantage of a hybrid system (wind and solar energy) compared to the sole installation of a photovoltaic system at the Hamburg location. The use of two independent, regenerative energy sources reduces the cost of the required battery storage, since the wind usually blows when the sun is not shining (sun/clouds, day/night).

This also increases the safety of the system, as there are certainly days when the sun does not shine at all or when there is hardly any wind. The amortization period of the hybrid system is one year less than that of the solar system.


Advantage of Hybrid System


Another application is the mounting on telecommunication masts, a booming industry worldwide. The amortization period of a turbine system (8 units) in remote areas is only 2.2 years and thus represents an economical and sustainable alternative to the diesel generator. 

System costs of the application areas are listed as example calculations and offset against the saved energy costs.

In the case of an existing grid connection (on-grid), € 0.28 (average price per kWh at the energy provider) is assumed as a substitute.




In case there is no electricity grid (off-grid), the assumed substitute is € 0.5 (average price for one kilowatt hour per diesel generator).




This results in amortization periods of

  • 10 years for the hybrid system (wind + solar) (on-grid) compared to the solar system (100% self-sufficiency/independence)
  • 7.8 years for a house roof installation (on-grid)
  • 8.8 years for telecommunication (on-grid)
  • 2.2 years for telecommunication (off-grid)
  • 4.5 years for initial electricity generation, e.g. in developing countries (off-grid)

A single MOWEA turbine can conserve 350 kg CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year (compared with electricity from the integrated network). Compared with a diesel generator with 640 kg CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year.

MOWEA considers not only its economic success. According to our plan, we will make a significant contribution in reducing the carbon dioxide emission worldwide through the sale of 5,000 turbines in the year 2021.

The following potential will consequently emerge for 2021 according to above-described saving potential:

  • Compared with electricity from the integrated network, 1,750,000 kg CO2 (carbon dioxide) can be saved.
  • Compared with a diesel generator, 3,200,000 kg CO2 (carbon dioxide) can be saved.


From left to right: Till Naumann (Founder & CEO), Andreas Amberger (Founder & CTO)

Storkower Straße 115a
10407 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 23 52 61 11

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