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Companisto Investor Academy

Everything You Need to Know About Investing.

Die wichtigsten Trends in der Startup-Szene 2024
Entdecken Sie die wegweisenden Trends, die die Startup-Szene im Jahr 2024 prägen und verändern werden.
Die wichtigsten Trends in der Startup-Szene 2024
Beteiligungsvertrag einfach erklärt
Grundlagen des Beteiligungsvertrags für Investoren
Beteiligungsvertrag: Definition, Rechte und Pflichten
Market Analysis - How to Do it Yourself
Tips for a market analysis from an investor’s perspective
Market Analysis Creation | Companisto
Wie ist der Ablauf einer Insolvenz?
Über Insolvenz und Liquidation eines Unternehmens
Der Ablauf einer Insolvenz | Companisto
A Brief Explanation of the INVEST Grant
How do investors receive the INVEST grant?
A Brief Explanation of the INVEST Grant | Companisto
Identification Process on Companisto Explained Simply
How investors can identify themselves on Companisto
Identification Process on Companisto Explained Simply | Companisto
Taxes for Equity Investments
Taxation of profits and losses
Taxes for Equity Investments | Companisto
Gross Return vs. Net Return: How Do You Measure Return Correctly?
How costs, taxes, and inflation influence return
Gross Return vs Net Return | Companisto
Initial Coin Offering (ICO): Crowdfunding meets block chain
New methods for crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding
Crowdfunding ICO | Companisto

Please note

The acquisition of the offered securities and investments is associated with considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the invested assets. The expected yield is not guaranteed and may be lower. Whether it is a security or an asset investment can be seen in the description of the investment opportunity.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about investing on Companisto, please contact our service team:

Toll-free phone number for investors calling from Germany:
0800 - 100 267 0

Companisto investors hotline:
+49(0)30 - 346 491 493

We are available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.