Invest in startups from as little as 250 with the new minimum investment amount.

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Companisto Investor Academy

Everything You Need to Know About Investing.

Check List for Investments in Startups
10 things crowd investors should pay attention to
Check List Investments in Startups | Companisto
Digitalisierung fördern für Wirtschaftswachstum
Investitionen in Startups als Treiber der digitalen Transformation und Wirtschaftsförderung in Deutschland
Digitalisierung fördern für Wirtschaftswachstum
The secondary market: Startup shares trade on Companisto
Companisto offers a flexible approach for investors: Startup shares can be traded on the Companisto secondary market
Companisto Secondary Market: More Flexibility for Startup Investors
Companisto Affiliate Programm
Werde jetzt ein Startup Affiliate und sichere dir attraktive Provisionen
Werde jetzt Companisto Startup Affiliate und sichere dir attraktive Provisionen
Impact Investing
Why people invest in start-ups like Solarnative and cureVision
Impact investing with Companisto
What an investor should look for in a pitch deck
The most important points that matter in the pitch deck.
The most important points that matter in the pitch deck.
Opening a securities account for the safekeeping of your company shares
Frequently asked questions about the Companisto securities account
Wertpapierdepot | Companisto
Startup-Investments in Krisenzeiten
Welche Gründe dafür sprechen
Startup Investitionen in Krisenzeiten
Advantages of Equity Investments for Business Angels
Equity investments for professional investors
Advantages of Equity Investments for Business Angels | Companisto
Pooling – kompakt erklärt
Pooling und seine Bedeutung für das Crowdinvesting
Pooling – kompakt erklärt | Companisto
Private Equity – How It Works
A compact explanation of private equity
Private Equity | Companisto
Crowdinvesting Crowdfunding Unterschied
Wie unterscheiden sich die Finanzierungsformen?
Crowdinvesting Crowdfunding Unterschied | Companisto

Please note

The acquisition of the offered securities and investments is associated with considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the invested assets. The expected yield is not guaranteed and may be lower. Whether it is a security or an asset investment can be seen in the description of the investment opportunity.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about investing on Companisto, please contact our service team:

Toll-free phone number for investors calling from Germany:
0800 - 100 267 0

Companisto investors hotline:
+49(0)30 - 346 491 493

We are available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.